Financial & FinTech Solutions
Apsis Financial & FinTech Solutions help you to create a superior customer experience, manufacture agile investment banking systems, proffer innovative financial solutions and optimize risk for enterprise financial management. Please have a look at our Financial and FinTech Solutions below

Investment Banking Management Solution

Supply Chain & Financial Management System

Loan Application Processing System

Know Your Customer

Fixed Asset Management System
Bankulator – Investment Banking Management Solution
An efficient product to administer the funding and financing portfolios of a financial institution. The system is based on a number of basic criteria from technological, functional, statutory and legal perspective. Respective guidelines by Central Bank have been followed for setting up the parameter-controlled product improviser and product management modules.

Supply Chain & Financial Management System
Apsis SCFMS (Supply Chain & Financial Management System) is an automated back office ecosystem for banks and financial organizations that executes supply chain transactions, budget allocation and approval, vendor payment and controlling associated business processes. Total SCFMS system is a combination of the below four modules:

Supply Chain Management System
- Requisition for General Purchase and Store Purchase
- Differentiate CapEx and Opex Purchase
- Process department wise requisition segregation
- Dynamic requisition approval process
- Cost Centre wise consumption booking
- Tagging Memo for new project with budget and management approval
- Quick approval with Memo reference
- Integration with Fixed Asset Management System
- Product (GL) wise Budget monitoring
- Comparative Statement (CS) of multiple vendor prices
- CS approval and Create PAN (Payment Approval Note)
- Generate vendor wise Purchase Order
- Generate Delivery Chalan
- Goods Receive
- Stock monitoring and manage reordering
Financial Management System
- Create, block and close Projects
- Yearly budget upload GL, SOL(Branch), cost centre wise
- Budget reallocate and additional budget
- Other branch’s exchange upload
- Budget tracking, calculation and history

Vendor Payment System
- Single or multiple vendor bulk bill processing (Phase, Advanced, Final, Security Money Refund)
- Payment Approval Note (PAN) generation, print and posting
- Dynamic delegation process (Automatic or Manual)
- Receive PAN at Compliance
- Auto Journal; manually add or edit
- Cost Centre wise expense booking
- Reverse Journal (compliance and settlement)
- Make payment to vendor and mail notification
- Payslip, Pay-Order Generation and e-transfer
- VAT & TAX Chalan & certificate
- Amortization schedule generation
- Payment Guarantee
- Customized Reports and Dashboard
Rental Management System
- Keeping records of branches and premises
- Rent agreement – New, Renew, Relocation
- Cost centre wise expense booking
- Close agreement renewal
- Advance adjustment
- Rental schedule
- Payment schedule
- System generated notification
- Holding payment and arrear management
- VAT & TAX Chalan and certificate
- Dashboard & customized reports

Loan Application Processing System (LAPS/LOS/ECM)
This product is built on from a significant time spent on technical analysis of a loan-processing workflow with careful observation and documentation. Based on input from functional experts in the banking industry we have incorporated many new and innovative features into this exceptional loan-processing product. The system is based on a number of basic criteria from technological, functional, statutory and legal perspective.

This product shall benefit a financial institution in a number range addressed below:
- Reduced lending risk
- Optimize processing time
- Mobility of users
- Reduce lending cost
- Strong management control
- Customer satisfaction
Digital financial products and services, and digital identity solutions have developed significantly over the last several years. Identifying the customer and verifying that customer’s identity using reliable, independent source documents, data or information is essential now. APSIS solution developed an e-KYC application that deals with electronic customer onboarding, identification and verification of customer identity, creating of customer digital KYC profile as well as risk grading of customer in a digital means. This feature reduces the risk of frauds in the financial management system.
- Customer on-boarding using fingerprint device
- Upload necessary attachments and save customer data
- Finger print matching with hardware input
- Customer info matching pattern (Algorithm & Implement)
- Risk grading calculator
- Sample output form of simplified e-KYC
- Sample output form of regular e-KYC