Testing as a Service

We provide end-to-end Test Management Service including reusable Test Automation and Execution. We have a global network of highly skilled test managers with the experience of best-in-class testing software like Selenium, UI Path, Katalon, Appium etc. We can provide services to small start-ups and Fortune 500 companies. We provide onshore and offshore testing services at the client’s time zone which makes the service more cost-effective. We can design to help you gain a competitive advantage and create high-quality, cost-effective testing processes. We offer test management services for Functional, Security, Integration, Regression, Agile, Performance, Volume and Automation Testing for Desktop, Cloud and Mobile application testing. The team can work on multiple technologies. Our test managers are experienced to pull up your test management maturity from any level (L1: Initial → L2: Managed → L3: Defined → L4: Measured → L5: Optimization) to the optimized level.
Please feel free to contact us for further details.